Apple allows Russia to preinstall apps on iPhones sold in the country


Apple allows Russia to preinstall apps on iPhones sold in the country

Apple, apps, Country, iPhones, preinstall, Russia, sold

Last November, a news item attracted special attention, as it highlighted the fact that the Russian government could force Apple to preinstall a series of applications on all iPhone and iPad terminals sold in the country. Well, this rumor has come true.

From April 1, thanks to a new Russian law, users of Apple products who buy a device in Russia will see a welcome dialog box while setting up the device where they will be. prompt you to install web browsers, antivirus, messaging and messaging applications …

The list of applications it is provided by the government and that can change over time. All apps will be displayed pre-selected for installation in the process of setting up new terminals, although users have the option to uncheck them to not install them.

If a user decides to install them during the installation process, later you can delete them without any problem as if it were another application. The motivations that forced Apple to authorize this decision are, of course, the same as those taken with China.

Although in China, the government is responsible for removing all apps from the App Store that it dislikes, to say the least, it is a matter of time in this country. follow the same path as Russia and force the Cupertino-based company to pre-install a number of government-related apps.

Apple has struggled a lot since launching the first iPhone in prevent operators They will influence the iPhone experience by installing applications that hardly anyone uses and that it is practically impossible to remove from the terminal, quite the opposite of what continues to happen on Android, although to a lesser extent the latter. years.

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