Bestial!  They play Doom Eternal with drum pedals


Bestial! They play Doom Eternal with drum pedals

Bestial, DoOM, Drum, Eternal, pedals, Play

We’ve seen time and time again that Classic Doom can be run on an almost endless variety of devices, Doom Eternal not yet, but that doesn’t stop users from conducting innovative experiments with, in this case, directly related to music. .

The double hype of the Doom Eternal soundtrack is easy to recognize, and there’s no point resisting its charm in the face of the demon hordes that Bethesda’s game throws at us. One Reddit user, taking advantage of this situation and his love for music, decided to take a chance and see if it was possible to control the game from a battery.

Doom Eternal a hellish ritmo

TheYuteThatDoot This is the name of this creator who decided to program the instrument to exploit the qualities of the title, and he did so by placing sensors on the pedal of his drums which act as commands to change weapons and some other functions. From what you can see in the video they shared, the technique worked really well.

In addition to the kit, the creative user uses a keyboard and mouse to go along with the rest of the game’s functions, but there are no issues with the battery if you have compatible hardware on the PC. Going forward, the Reddit thread promises more videos explaining in detail how this innovative control works and how it is structured, so we recommend that if you’re interested in these crazy things you stay tuned to Xbox Generation to find out. the next news in this field.

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