Xbox: Inclusion: Party Chat will be expanded to include important features

Geralt of Sanctuary

Xbox: Inclusion: Party Chat will be expanded to include important features

chat, expanded, features, important, include, inclusion, Party, Xbox

Microsoft is taking the next step towards inclusion and accessibility of its Xbox platform. This time, the party chat for the hearing impaired and mute players has been expanded to include two helpful features.

Microsoft has introduced new features for the Xbox Party Chat with the aim of increasing the accessibility and inclusion of its Xbox chats. Starting today, players who are registered for the Xbox Insider Program can try out text-to-speech and speech-to-text options for the chat.

Text-to-speech converts spoken words from members of a chat into suitable text, which is then available as an overlay in the game. Speech-to-text, on the other hand, reads generated text with a synthetic voice.

Microsoft is taking a big step towards inclusion. “Either of these features (or both, in collaboration) can be used to help players who are deaf or hard of hearing and / or cannot or do not want to speak. This allows those players to join Xbox Party Chat without any special precautions from other members of the group, “explains Microsoft from the official side.

If you want to activate Microsoft’s new features in Xbox Party Chat, you will find the option in the user settings under the subject Game and Chat Transcription.

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