Since its inception, Apple has been the victim of all kinds of replicas and counterfeits to your products; a parallel market which, in recent years, has made AirPods Pro one of its main targets (among other product lines).
The truth is that in iPadizate we have already explained how to differentiate the fake AirPods (standard model) from the originals. There is no doubt that the success of the Cupertino helmet has inspired a multitude of companies when it comes to producing your own alternatives. However, beyond slight imitations, there are not a few producers who, in secret, have started to market the most aesthetically successful counterfeits. A reality which leads many users to defraud and which, every day, wreaks havoc on Apple itself.
The original AirPods Pro, listed at a suggested retail price of $ 270, are becoming an easy target, a very profitable option to replicate. We are talking about devices that at first glance can go through the original headphones costing a small fraction of its price. This is why, in the end, we all asked ourselves: what are the differences between them?
Then we will give you a series of guidelines to follow before and after your purchase just to avoid a bad surprise. Don’t be fooled!
Before you buy Airpods Pro:
Visit an Apple Authorized Reseller
Without a doubt, the fact that it will guarantee a 100% original and safe purchase of your AirPods Pro (and any device of the brand) will be buy it in an Apple Store
If by chance this is not an option, try to verify that the establishment making the sale has the Apple license to do so: that is to say that it is a Apple Authorized Reseller. In this case, you can rest easy: the devices offered will be 100% original.
Beware of “extraordinary offers”
As they say: ‘No one gives four hard pesetas‘. It is very likely that often you will find offers from distributors who sell original AirPods (among many other Apple products) at a significantly lower price (between a 5% and one 20% less, approximately) than in the Apple Store. This is a fairly common practice and you don’t have to fear such offers as long as, as they say, they come from trusted suppliers.
However, you must avoid completely fall into offers that are around, for example, a exorbitant 80% reduction. Keep your feet on the ground. Nobody is going to sell you brand-new AirPods Pro for $ 19.99 with free shipping when there are people paying ten times as much.
Check the reviews and, if you can, check the headphones
When we talk about this type of scams, both around AirPods Pro and any other device, we are dealing with 100% online selling scenarios. However, remember that there is nothing better than physically test the product and take home something that we have already seen in detail.
However, as in the vast majority of cases, your purchase will be telematic, carefully examine and investigate the supplier: search for possible cases of fraud, opinions on the company’s products, satisfaction of their after-sales service …
Be careful with personal purchases
If yours is the second hand remember that nothing is completely free from fraud. If you buy the helmet from an individual with a deal in hand, politely ask inspect the device. If you are going to buy them online, please feel free to order graphics tests the helmet, its box or, where applicable, your purchase invoice.
Beware of people who apologize by letting you try the device or don’t want to prove its authenticity, surely there are plenty of other sellers out there who are willing to make a transparent sale.
If you are planning to buy your AirPods Pro through a buy and sell platform, we recommend that you read the buyer rights policies that they have reserved for you.
Avoid the hot spots potential counterfeits
Markets Unreported international sites or establishments with “too much” confidential information are real scenarios in which it becomes easier every day to be the victim of a malicious sale.
Apply the examination principles seen in the previous sections and, if that doesn’t convince you, go elsewhere. Is it worth risking for a few dollars?
After purchasing Airpods Pro:
Check the packaging and its contents
Nothing will give you more information about your purchase than a good review. Carefully unpack your new AirPods Pro. There are some very characteristic details which could easily reveal any “small” counterfeit.
To verify all accessories, the inner packaging, the accompanying manuals … Also the box itself. Yes, the cardboard box. When your helmet box is full of misplaced stickers, very poor quality or without the official brand logos … give yourself the benefit of the doubt.
Beware of the first contact
Unfortunately, the best fakes don’t just stay in the packaging, they go beyond aesthetics. Without a doubt, a useful way to diagnose will be that you may have original AirPods Pro compared to the ones you are looking for. compare in detail. This way you can see how well the controls are responding, their reaction times and, of course, the quality of the sound.
Check the serial number of the headset
This will undoubtedly be one of the litmus tests to determine if you are dealing with fake headphones. Go to Apple’s service and support coverage verification service and enter the serial number present in the sticker covering the bottom of the box. If for some reason you cannot read these numbers, you should be able to find them in the inside the housing cover. The same page will offer you instructions to find this code.
First of all, if your device no delivered without serial number … you face a fake. After validating the number on the web you will be able to find three possible outcomes:
- That the serial number is valid. In this case, the page will respond with a picture of the helmet and information regarding its warranty.
- That there is a problem with the acquisition date. In this case, Apple will not be able to determine the warranty status. This situation occurs if, for example, we bought our AirPods Pro from an unauthorized reseller or if there has been some kind of replacement. However, this resolution does not condemn them as a bogus product.
- That the serial number does not exist. In this case, there will not be much more to learn. A device without an Apple serial number it’s not, after all, an apple device.
By following some of these guidelines, you are probably already able to determine whether your purchase was a success or, unfortunately, you have been the victim of counterfeit Apple dress.
From iPadizate, we encourage you to enjoy your gadgets safely now always buy from suppliers who offer quality guarantees both for the product and for the user.
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