Painting a PC chassis requires two basic features that we must take care to do well. The first is the complete inactivity and the box clip, something basic to achieve the right finish and be able to cover every last corner.
The second requires two main points: good drawing equipment and a detailed plan and knowledge of the process and requirements of each item.
The best finishing option will always be with their father in the paint shop, where they usually have some areas of this type of product with fine grain guns and some paint. metals and plastic to differ. But if what we want is the best end for a small amount of money and do it ourselves, read on and we'll explain how.
Low pressure with primer, keys to achieve good finish
Before we even begin to think about the concept or color we want to give to our chassis, we have to look at the materials and surfaces. It is not like plastic paint than metal and yet, the dry finish is both far between them.
With this in mind, we would recommend the professional type of spraying that is also Spanish and rock the world graffiti professional for over 20 years. This is a Montana Colors brand, based in Barcelona and its products are easy to find at any specialty store in almost anywhere in the world.
From the number range to the type of product we have we will focus on a particular product or grade, because depending on the materials we will use or the other. Before painting we should understand the areas that need to be treated, where two specific types of spraying are required:
The first one is shown with metals, including those used as aluminum clay, so we will have to apply the same uniform to each strap we have. Drying for 10 minutes, prevents damage, can be repaired after 2 hours and sticks without problems.
The plastic primer also does the same, or because of the nature of the material that sticks to it dry over time. No problems with It is polypropyleneIt has good durability and will hold almost all types of plastic in the market.
Similarly, since we have so many, it would be best to do anonymous pre-screening.
Montana series 93 or series 94
The 93 series is still on sale, but is being replaced by the 94 series, which comes with up to 216 different color palettes. It has several factors to consider:
- The springs are low pressure.
- Its finish in any color is matt.
- With synthetic paint.
Why are they recommended to paint a PC box? Ideally because they are under compressive stresses. This type of spray paint has the right amount of paint and also has a very soft valve, so it's easy to use and its finish becomes professional as soon as we complete the painting process.
In addition, it will dry in minutes and after 24 hours the insulated layer intensifies the resistance, which, together with the previous primer we gave each piece, will withstand the smashing and cracking much better than the used baker's baking paint.
After a layer of paint, we can choose if we consider it suitable, one of the varnish brands, where it has different finishes, based on the fact that matte paint is 93 or 94 feet wide, we will never appear when we want the light we want
To get a bolder color we have to turn to another layer like the one called Hard Hard. This is high pressure spraying and a gloss finish, so it is recommended to users and professionals with a spray and a cleaned process, especially away from the distance and pressure of the spray.
Use of Different Caps "
If we are people who want to do things perfectly or are going to paint large pieces such as large windows or roofs, we should consider installing Caps (nozzles) to others of different lines. The final elimination of the main clip is driven by these Caps, because, for example, with a thin cable the PC tower of the central tower will require at least 12 vertical passes, so the risk of thankfully the paint break is too high.
A nozzle or cap for wide strokes and low pressure will allow us to provide only 3 or 4 people, since the paint distribution area is too large. In addition, this forces the paint layer on their profiles to be thinner, so that the future layer blends evenly and when dry it will be perfect even after light.