Game news World of Warcraft: Player sets unlikely world record in Blizzard MMO!
Seventeen years after its release, the MMO developed by Blizzard Entertainment still manages to get people talking. As an exception, the news is not to be sought in any number of spectators or some other event, but in the new, unusual performance of a player. An achievement that she immortalized in order to confirm a new world record … the somersaults!
The longevity of World of Warcraft is pretty impressive, but what’s even more impressive is that the players continue to be involved in the MMO and are able to break completely unlikely records. Not entirely unlikely, after all, as a Reddit user named SingActDirect managed to afford a world record of somersaults thanks to her night elf, proof of support, really unusual, that the World of Warcraft gaming community enjoyed.
The record of 16 jumps was exceeded!
Sometimes players redouble their ingenuity to leave a mark of their time in the game of Blizzard. In other circumstances, some are just having fun in their corner and doing incredible things. In the past, a player had already turned sixteen somersaults with their night elf, but the world record only recently fell!
While the player waited patiently for the monsters to reappear in the area, she enjoyed doing somersaults with her night elf, named Kittypurry. But by linking the player reached the number of seventeen jumps, surpassing the previous record.
How can a series of seventeen jumps be so spectacular? In World of Warcraft, Night Elves, and Blood Elves actually have two jump animations: a simple one and a treacherous one. Since they have two animations, the chance of one or the other showing up is 50%. However, the likelihood of chaining them is gradually decreasing, leaving the SingActDirect exploit with a 0.0007% chance!
The community praises the performance
Many have tried to beat this world record in the past, but as some mention, if they do, some Given the improbability of implementation, they quickly gave up on the idea, especially since the score was already very high.
The player who plays most of the time World of Warcraft without taking the lead, did not forget to immortalize a clip of his skills live on Twitch so that the record is valid and approved. Posted on Reddit, other users reacted more than positively to the player’s success and congratulated her.
You can find the clip via the Reddit link below and check out the reactions from users, or watch the clip directly on Twitch via the second link below.. All that remains is to wish him the best of luck, who tends to do 18 somersaults!
By Jinxeb, Write to