Despite being the most powerful iPhone in history, a 100 km / h Tesla is too much.
An unintentional crash resulted in an iPhone 13 Pro Max and a Tesla, with fatal conditions for both. Apple is bragging that its iPhone 13 is the most durable they’ve made, however was destroyed by crashing at over 100 km / h into the Tesla. Of course, the car suffered damage as well.
This story and the photos posted come to us from Twitter, where user @marvelwonderkat shows an iPhone 13 Pro Max lodged against the front bumper of a Tesla car
Has anyone else had an iPhone 13 Pro Max built into their Tesla while driving at 70 mph on a highway? I bounced once on the sidewalk in front of me, and that’s what happened
Anyone else ever had an iPhone 13 Pro Max impale their Tesla while driving 70 mph on a highway? He bounced once on the sidewalk in front of me, and that’s what happened 🥲🥲
– Star of Life (@marvelwonderkat) 20 December 2021
Really @marvelwonderkat don’t know what really happened. He doesn’t know if the iPhone was on the road and another car pushed him towards his or if someone purposely threw it away, the only thing that mattered was that it happened suddenly and he barely had time to figure out what happened.
“I thought it was a metal part of a car bouncing off the freeway. I also thought the loud sound I heard hit the wheels. I pulled over to a compressor and that’s what I did. ‘ve found it. “
High speed, an object such as a cell phone can cause serious damage to a car. In this particular case, you were lucky that the iPhone crashed into the front bumper and did not crash into the windshield as it could have caused a very serious accident. The iPhone 13 Pro Max weighs a lot, and at speeds over 100 km / h it can be fatal.
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