Now that a Kickstarter campaign is a reversed version of The wonder of 101 officially launched, there's talk of what other unplanned Platinum-Nintendo releases might be and others platforms. One game that most people would love to play (they don't seem to change, we can add) Astral Chain.
As you may recall, shortly after its release in August last year, the game was reviewed — with shy players who look unhappy about the title being limited to Nintendo's platform. Obviously a lot of Platinum fans out there would like to see this article made available on other platforms, so what are its chances of doing?
In an interview with VGC recently, PlatinGames head Atsushi Inaba said it was "too early to know" what was possible, but made it clear that it had been the Platinum-owned IP for Nintendo.
In the case of Astral Chain, it was IP that was partially Platinum and partly Nintendo. So now it's out and it's too early to say.
Continuing to emphasize the possibility of releasing more platforms, Inaba said that it was actually Nintendo's decision, as they had the copyrights, and also explained how the acquisition of PlatinGames rights to The Wonder 101 was a "special" case.
Finally Nintendo's call, not ours. They have Astral Chain publishing rights so we can't say on that matter.
The good news for Nintendo fans is that Astral Chain seems to be more effective than The Wond Wonder 101, which was released during Wii U's troubled generations in 2013. Recently, PlatinGames manager Takahisa Taura said that Nintendo's latest company "sold out more than expected" and last week revealed that the game had sold close to 1.3 million copies so far.
In other words, we don't think Nintendo would agree to drop this exclusive in the future. What do you do with Inaba's mixed messages, anyway? Leave a comment below.