No breather for the dragon lord. Since moving out of his house in Emskrichen, the Youtuber has been followed across Germany. His belongings are not safe either.
The Youtuber Drachenlord just doesn’t get any rest. Ever since Rainer Winkler moved out of his house on Altschauerberg, he and his haters have been on a scavenger hunt across Germany on the Internet. His pursuers exchange information on the Internet about where and when they saw his car and keep trying to intercept and provoke him.
And with great success, as the dragon lord now announced in a video. According to this, two haters followed him from Lake Constance and filmed him at a rest stop and put the material online to prove that they discovered him. However, it does not stop with the chases, because as Rainer Winkler also claims in the video, his camp in Nuremberg was terminated. Apparently, the haters found out where the dragon lord rented a place to store his belongings after he moved out of his house in Emskirchen.
The haters are said to have called there and tried to terminate the camp without notice. Now the dragon lord has until March 20th to clear the camp. His appointment process in Nuremberg begins on March 23. The dragon lord was sentenced to two years in prison in October last year. He appealed.