The 10 most amazing photos from Apple’s photo challenge with the iPhone 13 Pro


The 10 most amazing photos from Apple’s photo challenge with the iPhone 13 Pro

amazing, apples, challenge, iPhone, photo, photos, Pro

Several weeks ago, Apple summoned us all to squeeze our iPhone camera to enter a macro photography contest. A photographic mode that comes thanks to artificial intelligence and the ultra-wide-angle camera of the iPhone 13 Pro. one prize for 10 photographers and its impressive images.

10 images that show nature from another angle

One can use the Macro mode of the iPhone 13 Pro to take photos and videos of the little ones. With this we can photograph the smallest detailsthose that escape the naked eye. With an almost unique composition for this style of photography, Apple today presents the 10 winners.


From finalists from China, Hungary, India, Italy, Europe, Thailand and the United States, Apple has chosen 10 images that manage to amaze us. Some images that, at the same time, give us ideas to create our own compositions from the hand of the iPhone 13 Pro.


We found pictures of flowers, dew-filled cobwebs, plant leaves, and even snowflakes. All these images that reach reveal the patterns that nature uses to create its beautiful shapes.

Apple Shot on Iphone Macro Guido Cassanelli Inline Jpg Medium 2x

Apple holds photography contests like this almost once a year. A way to give visibility to what can be created with the camera of an iPhone. Didn’t we win? We will have other opportunities as we continue capture the world around us in the most creative way possible.

More information | Manzana

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