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It all started when we learned a few months ago that Netflix had imagined charging for shared passwords in order to launch a series of tests in several countries. But the story does not end there either, since she now has a plan, she has raised prices several times and now it has risen in another country.
Netflix increases the price again in a country
This Rise That Happened On Netflix Turkey we do not know yes, it will be applied to the rest of the regions, but just as it has tested some features in other countries, such as charging for sharing passwords, it could be a trial balloon that finally got the hang of it that he could do it in the rest of the countries.
In fact, the sum of those streaming service actions meant that it reportedly lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of the year. The screenshot we share shows that the monthly cost of the fee is now 77.99 Turkish liras
change to dollars they are 4.99 dollars in this country and as you can read in the message, it is in exchange for more quality content for subscribers in Turkey; it could not be otherwise, but again he drives up the price of his share.
Now, we don’t know if the increase in subscriptions will reach other countries, so we are still waiting for that to happen. and if he stretches the gum again to check the stamina of their subscribers.
But given that the loss of users in the first quarterwhile it’s even going to offer a monthly subscription with advertising for those who want to enjoy streaming for less, we’re a bit strange with so many decisions in such a short time.
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