The Alola season is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the Pokemon Go fun will stop.
Niantic has announced the season of Go, with some Pokemon favorites returning to 5-star raids, new seasonal bonuses, different Pokemon appearing in both hemispheres, and more.
During this time, trainers will be able to enjoy some nice seasonal rewards, such as increased friendship bonus damage during raids, increased damage for Pokemon participating in ranged raids, extra candy when traded, guaranteed XL candy when traded, extra per day Special deal, early access to XL Candy, and an hour of Lure modules if you’re level 31 and above.
During the Go season, the Pokemon that appear in the five-star raids are Kyogre, Groudon, and Mewtwo, and if you’re lucky, you might get a shiny one. Mewtwo will be on the June 22nd and June 29th raids, and will learn about Charged Attacks Shadow Ball and Psysstrike, respectively.
The big raid will feature Aerodactyl Steelix, Venusaur and Blastoise and will last longer.
Research Breakthrough encounters will feature Clink, and if you’re lucky, you might come across a shiny one. Pokemon Spotlight Time will focus on Nosepass, Mantine, Spinarak and a surprise Pokemon.
In June, 2km eggs spawn Poliwag, Magnemite, Magikarp, Meditite, Pikipek, Yungoos and Stufful. Hatching a 5kn egg might get you Togepi, Skarmory, Wynaut, Bronzor, Rowlet, Litten and Popplio.
10km will hatch Emolga, Axew, Rufflet, Goomy, Goibat, Riolu and Jangmo-o, none of which I think hatched.
Players who turn on Adventure Sync can look forward to 5km easter eggs: Cranidos, Shieldon, Happy, Munchlax, Roggenrola and Frillish. The 10km egg can feature Dratini, Bagon, Beldum, Riolu, Deino and Goomy.
Depending on the biome, different Pokemon will appear in different regions around the world. As a result, different critters are expected to appear in cities, forests, mountains, watersides and different areas in both hemispheres.
For the upcoming season, Community Days will be held on June 25th, July 17th and August 13th. Don’t forget Pokemon GO Fest 2022 too! It will take place next weekend from June 4th to 5th.