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Pavel Durov, in his role as CEO of Telegram, strongly criticized Apple for its policy with WebKit and developers seeking to use other alternatives.
Pavel DurovTelegram CEO, showed up via a publication made in your channel of your messaging application disagree with an Apple action. This action lies in cripple web applications for the sole benefit from those of Cupertino. As part of these criticisms, the UK is investigating the WebKit platform on iPhone and iPad.
WebKit is the biggest problem and Apple hasn’t focused on fixing it: Durov
This is a huge denial that Apple is undertaking from their site because they don’t allow web browsers to use anything other than WebKit. This affects browsers themselves cannot enter the App Store. “The Cupertino ones ban alternatives, an Apple-exclusive restriction. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is concerned that they limit the potential of other competing browsers to differentiate themselves from Safari.” In the words of Pavel Durov.
The review also states that Safari on iOS had many issues which have not been corrected over time. It is saddened that more than 10 years after the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs, they have not been able to solve a major obstacle after applying a major revolution to the mobile web.
Apple maintains a strict policy prohibiting users from installing apps that are not from the App Store. If that changes, other types of browsers that don’t involve the use of WebKit might be allowed. Historically, we can deduce that this will never change.
Apple wants all the money and profits possible
In Durov’s own words, Apple is trying to shut down all web apps so developers are forced to submit their apps through the App Store.
The CMA will examine the fact that Apple prevents other developers from using its own web engines. Durov’s solid argument will also be there there surely a new controversy will open it will be on everyone’s lips.
Related Topics: Apple
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