The Mail app, like the iOS calendar, looks like they do not find love from Apple one would expect. The number of functions offered by other apps is limited, with many users opting to use third-party apps.
Gmail, Spark or Outlook are great email clients where Apple can learn, If I wanted to. While Apple was thinking about it, Google's boys announced a new feature that will soon come to iOS via Gmail: allow you to send documents to the iOS files app.
In the meantime, Gmail allows us to add files we have saved to Google Drive or to photos in our archives by clicking on the Gmail icon. With the next update, we'll know again access the files we've saved in iCloud, an interesting feature that no doubt many users would appreciate and should be available in the email.
The user interface is the same as we would find in the Files app and it already exists in other applications. By allowing access to the Files app to send any text we have access to that program, we will also be able to send it documents or driver files we connect to
This new feature was introduced a few hours ago and will be available to all users in the coming weeks, as it's a feature Enabled by Google servers, not in the way of software updates as usual.
Microsoft Outlook it has already allowed us to access the saved content in the Files system, so Gmail is not the first application that offers this functionality, a task that may have come from the hands of iOS 14, if Apple is interested in us by continuing to use its own postmaster.