From Steve Jobs we have many anecdotes, from executives stealing the Mac by accident to the magnificent buildings of headquarters for big companies like Pstrong, however a few anecdotes may look like the one we bring to you today.
And we say it's obvious because we can literally see this funny moment from it happens with one of the most important symptoms and, unfortunately, one of the most recent made by Apple's founder.
IPhone 4 and Wi-Fi problems
We have to go back to 2010, Apple's milestone year the company introduced the iPad and iPhone 4
Steve Jobs took the stage to show all this development, however he encountered a problem, trying to access the web The New York Times the device took longer than usual, until Steve "canceled" the show and moved on to the next one.
Shortly after being re-appeared on stage with Steve, without fear of what they might say, He also urged attendees at WWDC 2010 to disconnect from Wi-Fi if they want to see more shows for the new iPhone. Jobs said there are more than 500 devices connected to the organization's Wi-Fi network which is why the iPhone has not paid properly or is connected to the Internet.
Steve was very clear, "If you want to see more demos for the iPhone 4, you'll have to disconnect from the network and leave your computers down. "Attendees never give credit to it at first, but after they accepted it, they obviously wanted to know more about the new device. Steve was able to continue the presentation and show one of the star functions of that new iPhone 4: Face time
Of course Steve Jobs's resentment of leaving the stage temporarily behind unable to load website with new iPhone 4 It was vintage, and certainly the steps would be taken again to prevent this from happening again. Having two separate Wi-Fi networks, exclusive to the devices shown, would solve the problem.