No manga and anime fan is a stranger Neon Genesis Evangelion, also known simply as Evangelion, the anime/manga created by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto based on the sci-fi mecha genre. In the world of hardware, Evangelion has inspired many modders for their creations, although some manufacturers have also been inspired to release certain products based on EVA aesthetics, and that is precisely what it will do now. . Asus with his new monitor based on EVA-01 which we are going to talk about today.
This is a product that is launched in the market as part of the collaboration between ASUS and New Century Evangelion, and will release various products with this aesthetic that include motherboards, power supplies, graphics cards , liquid cooling solutions, cases for PCs, and even peripherals including headsets, keyboards, and mice.
The first gaming monitor based on Evangelion
The EVA-01 is the mecha piloted by the series’ main character, Shinji Ikari, with an unmistakable dark purple and green aesthetic, but for this ASUS monitor, which is part of the ROG (Republic of Gamers) product family, the manufacturer also wanted to give it his own touch and the black frame or the illuminated ROG logo on the back are not missing.
The monitor is named ASUS ROG Strix XG27AQM-G EVA Edition, and consists of a 27-inch screen with WQHD resolution (2560 x 1440 pixels) with Fast-IPS liquid crystal matrix, capable of covering 97% of the standard color space for digital cinema (DCI- P3) and 150% sRGB color space. It also bears the certification HDR 400 display
As you can already imagine after seeing its technical specifications, this monitor is designed to play at the highest level, and as such ASUS wanted to complete it with the best connectivity features: it includes two HDMI 2.0 inputs, two DisplayPort 1.4, minijack for headphones, two USB 3.2 Gen 1 connectors and two other USB 3.0. Plus, as you might already guess, its Evangelion aesthetic is complemented by ASUS Aura Sync lighting that can be synchronized with the RGB of the rest of the hardware.
The monitor has dimensions of 614 x 255 x 408-508 mm and weighs 7.6 Kg. Its V-shaped base allows the screen to be placed in practically any position, as it has height adjustment , a rotation, a rotation and a tilt, and as you can see in the image above, we can even place it in a vertical position if we want.
Price and availability
As of now, ASUS has only announced when we can start reserving this Evangelion-based monitor, which will be from August 19 this year, but they haven’t said when it will officially go on sale or if it will even hit stores so anyone who hasn’t pre-ordered it can buy it. As for its price, it will cost 980 dollars (USD), which translates into dollars and with taxes and tariffs will be very likely that in Europe we will see it in 999 dollars.