Google Maps already lets you specify whether you’re using an electric or hybrid vehicle for efficient routes


Google Maps already lets you specify whether you’re using an electric or hybrid vehicle for efficient routes

apps, efficient, electric, Google, Google maps, Hybrid, lets, Maps, Routes, vehicle, youre

Los vehículos que ruedan por nuestras carreteras en España ya no son todos propulsados ​​por motores de combustion, y hay options como los eléctricos (incluso Maps da options para elegir points de carga en la ruta) y los híbridos, ahora Google ha anunciado para Google Maps the ability to select the type of vehicle you use for more fuel-efficient journeys.

[De 80 a 30 dollars de luz al mes: esto es lo que he aprendido usando placas solares fotovoltaicas]

More efficient routes on Google Maps

The big G announced that Google Maps now offers environmentally friendly routes that instead of getting to your destination faster, they’re not consuming as much electricity from your electric vehicle, or saving fuel in that hybrid you use to go to work or on vacation.

He is routes arrive in Europe so this app can show you the best way always with savings in mind. And it is that this type of routes has already been present in the United States, Canada and Germany since the beginning of the year.

Environmentally friendly routes

Environmentally friendly routes

The free Android

It will simply show a mark of the most fuel-efficient route instead of using another that aims to reach the destination sooner. However, Google also allows we can disable this feature if we still travel the streets and highways of Europe in a vehicle with a fossil fuel engine.

These eco-friendly routes start rolling out today in 40 European countries, including Europe. And we just have to configure the type of engine that our car uses, whether it is powered by gas, gasoline, diesel, hybrid or electric.

Google Maps

Google Maps

El Androide Libre

Una interesante oportunidad para ahorrar combustible, sea éste del tipo que sea, y así llegar a destino, a lo mejor unos minutos más tarde, pero sabiendo que estamos ahorrando al igual que ayudando a reducir las emisiones de carbono. 

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