While most people’s game to try and make it work on inappropriate hardware is id’s classic demiselet’s not forget that the company quake can be almost as flexible.
As we’ve seen lately demise keeps running everything from tractors to a LEGO brickthe thing with demise is that it isn’t fully 3D game as you can’t aim up or down which is why I hold off on ports quake– require additional input to enable that extra visibility – can be a bit more impressive at times.
Take MyOwnClones Port of the game for example for an Apple Watch. First, I’m in love with how sharp everything looks on such a small screen. Secondly, the fact that you can still see the time in the top right corner is very useful. Third, the button input is at the bottom unbelievable funny as it only makes the game playable in the strictest, most technical sense as there is no way you will Have fun to play quake like this.
I wonder if adjusting the gyro controls could make it more playable? The brief demonstration we get here makes it look really slow; If they were sped up and made more sensitive and the watch’s bezel turned into the release button, I think it would be more than just something to point at and say, “Isn’t that great?”!
But then this screen is too tiny, and any changes to the gyroscope could make the game just as unplayable on the other end of the spectrum, so what would I know. If you are able to try this you can check out the port on the MyOwnClone github page.