The use of the mouse as an input device for games is due to its use by many genres. However, these are real-time strategy games and first-person shooters. where mouse latency or lag plays an important role. So much so that they can cause us to lose a game and in E-Sports environments it is fatal. We tell you what you can do to fix this problem.
If you tell someone that the latency of the mouse they’re using affects the frame rate of a game, they won’t believe it. The first thing he will do is look at you like you have a fever or just don’t know what you’re talking about. However, at the beginning of each frame, our computer’s processor must collect information from all input devices within a limited time, if there is a delay, we will see the result of our action delayed by one or more pictures. That is, when your character can already shoot or your unit is marching, they will already be dead in the middle of the game.
How to reduce mouse latency?
For us, the solution is simple, the best gaming mice are those that do not only have ergonomics, the number of buttons and their good position. They are also those that use a USB connection and, therefore, are not wireless. And yes, we know there are high-quality wireless mice designed for gaming, but they have to overcome a series of significant hurdles to perform well. Those who get it do so by far, but change specifications and an above-average price.
The reasons ? Well, these are the following:
- A wireless mouse, the further it is from the repeater, the longer it takes to send the signal. Although this is also not a very common problem, since most users play within a few meters of the PC where said mouse latency does not occur. A similar issue occurs with long cable mice, which is usually involved in itself, causing some signal delay. This problem is negligible, but it is still recommended to have a short wired mouse.
- The battery or battery status of a wireless mouse this can affect its performance, especially when under light load. This does not happen with all models, but with more than we would like.
- Many mice, in order to offer additional options compared to a standard mouse, use macros and additional buttons controlled by a driver. Although programming quick commands improves our gaming experience, if our PC is saturated with workthen it will perform much worse controller or driver. This will create latency in the mouse.
Regarding the last point, it is important to have up-to-date mouse drivers, as well as Windows updates. advice, noor never connect it through an external USB hubas it also adds an additional level of latency.
Is it really that important?
If you play casually, no, but if you play it competitively and with a team capable of reproducing high frames per second, yes. The reason? The more FPS, the less time per frame and any additional lag can be fatal. This is why if you are one of those who play E-Sports at over 120 FPS, mouse latency will affect you more.