Like most, throughout my life, I’ve used more than one browser to access the Internet. Like many, I started with Internet Explorer, when there was virtually no other choice. I used Firefox and Google Chromeuntil i arrive Bravewhich I installed for cryptocurrencies, but now I use it for other reasons.
Currently, the most used browser in the world (except for some countries) is Google Chrome. It’s a very good browser, but it has a huge problem, it consumes an absurd amount of RAM memory. And that’s the biggest complaint everyone has, RAM consumption, something Brave solves.
I came to Brave for crypto and struck gold
There are several issues that Google Chromethe most obvious being high RAM consumption. This means that if you have a team just in that sense, you end up having a really bad time. In addition, it has other small drawbacks such as low privacy, the obligation to use AdBlocks through an extension, among others.
Due to high RAM consumption, mainly look for an alternative in Firefox. Even though it worked pretty well, I didn’t like it in some ways, so I decided to go back and keep using Chrome. This meant that over 90% of my computer’s RAM was being used by this browser.
the launch of Brave I’m quite interested in the first instance, but don’t use it right away. I let some time pass with the intention of correcting any initial failures. After a few months I installed it and started using it. The very idea of using it was increased privacy
Although it arrives with a specific intention, from the first moment I noticed significant improvements. The first thing I noticed was a drop in consumption of RAM memory in 1 GB, which is a lot. I did different tests and even with more tabs open in Brave than in Chrome, the RAM consumption was lower. Most interesting of all is that Brave bass himself in chromethe open source code on which Google Chrome is based.
Many benefits beyond getting tokens
Brave natively integrates a AdBlocker system
Something very interesting is that we can use as DuckDuckGo native search engine (we can also use it in Chrome), among others that have tracking restriction. We also have a large number of privacy and security settings when browsing.
One of the latest rather useful features integrated into Brave is Talks, a solution that wants to compete with Google Meet and Zoom. It is the own video call tool that offers encrypted chats and without data collection.