Test – The vocals, almost no wrong notes


Test – The vocals, almost no wrong notes

Notes, Test, vocals, Wrong

without excessive means, The singing achieves its purpose, a fantastic story that borders on the works of Lovecraft, in a more contemporary treatment and stranger things to take two pop culture landmarks. When it doesn’t shine through in its technique, this experience remains fluid at all times and the adventure follows with interest for six hours in an atmosphere that mixes horror and psychological anxiety. However, the combat, usually the poor relatives of the genre, is quite good if the exploration and puzzles are very accurate and keep you alert. The dubbings in French are of extreme quality and serve the score well The singing.

Zodiac song?

Jess, a young woman haunted by the death of her sister, goes to an island to find a spiritual retreat for idle wounds. Not that she’s particularly excited, but her friend Kim, also traumatized by the drama, forces her to lend a hand. So here is our heroine in an unknown land, in a small post-hippy/personality development/cult community based on cleansing crystals… Between the guru-supplied gibberish, the following of confused followers, and the skepticism of Jess, the debut on the island is downright awkward…

This continues as crystals used in New Age rituals are revealed to have real powers: to traverse planes of reality and summon an entire horrific bestiary stranger things wouldn’t deny. It is at this point that the story begins six hours of adventure that will lead us to macabre discoveries around this pseudo-cult. What also stands out is Jess, far from being a dope or the perfect heroine, she perfectly embodies the person navigating this on-sight immersion in horror. This is manifested directly in her outfit, for example. Immaculately white, deceptively reassuring but most of all alienating, she has to don it when she arrives to blend in with the community. Subsequently, her adventures drive her to defile herself. The dirt, the blood and the slime thus exposing all the hypocrisy and horror surrounding the pseudo-cult.

The story is beautifully served through high quality French dubbing. The dialogues, from the most innocuous to the most tragic, are inhabited and help make The Chant a compelling horror game. But not only.

Sage, it stinks, but it saves lives

In addition to instilling a sometimes frightening atmosphere, The singing is just in terms of exploration and combat aspects that are more than right. Very good surprise to note that the clashes are not a source of tension or annoyance. The action is always smooth and excavating the community, ancient installations or even caves is a real pleasure. The puzzles aren’t incredibly complex and reading the few documents will put you on the right path to solving them easily. The arsenal lends itself to yellow smiles at first glance: sage to burn to ward off negative vibes and other insects… Well, the edifice of the sectarian community hasn’t collapsed yet. Then, thanks to the harvested plants, Jess will make fire torches to get rid of cosmic creatures.

That psychological dimension and the atmosphere of survival are manifested by three gauges for monitoring. Especially in the beginning, because as Jess progresses hit points, then spirituality to use magical abilities, and finally sanity to gain serenity will obviously become more manageable. Finally, the music is rather quiet. some good times in Carpenter stylewhen a synthesizer comes along to float some notes.

accessibility criteria

visual impairment hard of hearing
✘ High contrast (target reticle) ✘ Subtitles with mood hints
✘ Font color size ✘ Identification of the person speaking
✘ Tag enemies ✘ Customizable font
✘ Customizable user interface ✘ Customizable font color
✘ Customizable mini-map color ✘ Alternative alarm options (vibration, flash…)
✘ Color blindness option ✘ Ambient noise reported (presence notification)
✘ Text to speech option
✘ Game slowdown

test conditions

TV details 4K Game provided by the publisher oui
console Xbox Series X Time spent in game 6 hours
difficulty level normal game over oui

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