Top 5 games we want on a Mortal Death VR headset

The Boss

Top 5 games we want on a Mortal Death VR headset

Death, Games, headset, Mortal, Top

Palmer Luckey, creator of the Oculus VR headset, has created an explosive headset that can kill them if they die in a video game. The famous VR engineer certainly didn’t wear a headset himself because he was afraid it might accidentally trigger and blow his head off. However, we believe this idea has some merit in the modern video game world.

To prove it, we’ve compiled five games that we think will be truly enhanced by Palmer Luckey’s exciting VR headset. Let’s be real, it will never happen.This headset will literally go anywhere (at least, we hope not), but it’s an interesting thought experiment to consider which games Enhanced Still, threatened by IRL.

While you’re here, why not watch our video on God of War Graphics Mode. It’s fun, I promise…and fun!

League of Legends

It’s 3 am. You’re 50LP behind on platinum, you run the last game in the mid lane, and then it’s over. You’re Zed’s main force, because of course you are, and it’s up to you to take on the responsibility of the game. You enter the lane, first get to level 2, then take advantage of your advantage and do the kill.

After some missed shuriken and two tower shots in the face, you’re dead. The last thing you hear is the missing bang when your brain explodes. Top Road Aatrox refuses to press “yes” on the surrender vote as your family bursts into your room in tears. For him, it is still possible to win.

League of Legends is a great game. It’s also the most frustrating game I’ve ever played in my life. While the technical advantages of VR headsets won’t really play a big role here, these explosive charges do match the atmosphere of the ranking grind.

Counter Strike: Go

Nothing beats AWP kills in CS:GO with more visual and audible impact. Guns are like scalpels and cannons combined, capable of taking out other players from great distances with the power of a moving train. So when you manage to headshot with the AWP, the enemy player will be blown away with a sudden bang.

But we can go further. On the one hand, we know VR FPS games are pretty fun, and there’s no reason to believe CS:GO isn’t as exciting as playing through a monitor. The real prize did actually come from the head-mounted dynamite, though. Nothing beats an AWP-off at the center of Dust 2, and I’m sure it’ll be cooler if the underdog shines.

Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium is a heartbreaking, engrossing and very entertaining RPG with some heavy stuff in it. We’re talking about some proper political theory sneaking into the buds, fasten your seat belts. It also puts you in the shoes of Harrier Du Bois, an unconventional detective behind the Rags’ spin trying to solve a murder case.

With the help of Mr. Luckey’s VR headset, there are many moments that can be elevated to sublime heights of artistic value. Without grabbing the ceiling fan’s tie, the game started with a heart attack. Failing to assert your authority over the Hardy Boys with Kim’s gun screwed up your physical confrontation with Measurehead and was called a nonce by Cuno. It was a perfect match that couldn’t be excluded.

Eldon Ring

Look, this is clearly a rough one. If paired with the Elden Ring, there are plenty of moments that lead to a frontal blast of fairness and justice. However, in my opinion, I can’t think of a more interesting lie to end the experience than misjudging the distance you fell while browsing the open world on a torrent.

Let’s imagine. Some doomed, lightly trying to descend steep slopes on some clunky horseback platforms, slipped and desperately tried to double-jump to safety on the cliff. This obviously doesn’t work because it rarely does, and “you’re dead” sends them on their way.

Cyberpunk 2077

The last one is shoes, because the idea of ​​Palmer Luckey actually creating this thing is kind of dystopian, isn’t it? Just sitting in his office or garage and waiting for a brave man to put it on, like the mask in Jim Carrey’s mask, albeit probably with less hijinx involved.

I mean seriously, in Cyberpunk 2077, aside from talking vending machines, VR sex houses, body augmentation, and all sorts of weird tech, explosive VR headsets seem a bit tedious by comparison. Not while playing cyberpunk of course, but before Johnny Silverhand takes a T-pose, you experience the pinnacle of immersive gaming and you tumble over the map as your skulls fly off superior.

That’s it for the top five games we want to play on Palmer Luckey’s VR headset! If you can think of more, let us know below. Just in case we need to make this clear, please don’t actually wear the damn thing if you get the chance.

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