Hogwarts Legacy: totally magical gameplay


Hogwarts Legacy: totally magical gameplay

Gameplay, Hogwarts, Legacy, magical, totally

Hogwarts Legacy continues to unfold with many magical new gameplay snippets. Hogwarts, battles, character creation, everything is there…

Hogwarts Legacy may be delayed until next year, but Warner Bros is ramping up the communications campaign surrounding its Harry Potter game. While the universe is set to expand with new movies or even an HBO series, eyes are on Avalanche Software’s adaptation. In a new presentation, the developers took stock of the different mechanics of the game: gameplay, battles, routes, here are all the news.

A long gameplay video for Hogwarts Legacy

As promised, Hogwarts opened its doors for a presentation. Avalanche Software gave fans an appointment this Friday, November 11th to discover a new preview of Hogwarts Legacy. A live stream particularly rich in gameplay and information. Starting with the character designer. Since it is above all your heritage, you can create your magician from scratch, although there are about twenty pre-existing models that can be modified at will. The nose, the hair, the mouth, everything else can then be selected from a list that appears to be quite extensive. Of course you can unlock glasses during your adventure to give you a little Harry Potter look. A detailed and complete character creator that should appeal to many fans.

This presentation was primarily an opportunity for the sorcerers’ apprentices to tour the castle as if they were there. The opportunity to discover some of the rooms of this emblematic place, like the character’s bedroom, but also its most spooky inhabitants. The new snippets also reveal the game’s UI, which was previously hidden in the various videos. We’re sticking with the classic, with a mini-map on the left and spells assigned to R2 hotkeys + symbols on PS5. Some of them also allow you to discover hidden items in Hogwarts, but all of them require a small cooldown after use.

The fights are mainly based on a combo system that allows you to chain spells to get the upper hand on your opponent. These can also come equipped with a shield that requires breaking them with an appropriate spell (strength, damage, etc.). To help players find their way around, the spells are adorned in a color that makes it easy to tell which one to use.

As they progress, players will also be invited to complete challenges (battles, quests, exploration) to strengthen their spells. For the rest, the stream revealed a side quest, the dialogue system, supporting characters and even the spooky inhabitants of the castle. Regarding the courses, contrary to fan speculation, it will not be possible to miss them.

The developers chose not to run a simulation in order to stick to the narrative as much as possible. So Hogwarts Legacy is sort of divided into chapters. Each consists of a series of missions for you to choose from, and some of these will be in class. The aim of the courses is therefore more to provide the main tools to progress in the battles while getting to know the teachers. As for the fights, the presentation mainly focused on the duels between students. As a reminder, Hogwarts Legacy will be available on February 10th, 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and PC.

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