LastPass in August of this year suffered a cyberattack that did not take away user data, very different from what happened now when attackers were able to access it. And it is that service notified its users from the attack received.
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User data at risk
Is very convenient to use only one password to log into any website, but it begs the question of how someone accesses that data, it can have a lot of power, especially for certain types of users.
From what is known via Android Police, this time the LastPass cloud service which it shares with an affiliate, GoTo, was accessed. LastPass is in collaboration with the security company Madiant to find out what really happened.
There is at least one positive news, and that is that LastPass alerted users that the attack did not inflict any type of action that make the service unstableand pirates wouldn’t have passwords accessed stored by users.
This is because LastPass does not store the master key and user credentials in the closed vault, so this second security breach received at least does not cause a great effect on the service.
Sí que es verdad que el prestigio de LastPass está siendo puesto en duda, ya que son dos ataques en pocos meses y podría haber un tercero que finalmente obtuviese esas claves que permitiera a los atacantes acceder a esos datos tan sensibles.
Lo que se recomienda es cambiar la contraseña principal como suele suceder en estos casos en los que los atacantes acceden al servicio.