Have you ever caused yourself real physical h arm while playing a video game? My thumb cracked after playing Grand touring
We are on Meet Danny
As you will see in a moment, Danny is nearing the end of a cod Play in this clip and get a little excited. He gets up, jumps up and down a bit, arches his back and then just eats shit. Folds up like one of those donkey toys where you press the button and her limbs fall off.
Two things here. First of all, I’m sorry Danny, but as a long-time connoisseur of the “Boys get hurt really bad”Physical comedy genre, th is is – at least in video game circles – an all-timer. It’s like a modern recreation of Will Ferrell’s “I’m Very Badly Hurt” bit by Austin Powers, only with a call of Duty
Thirty seconds later I’m worried. Sixty seconds later I’m laughing. Through “I have to stop the stream, I’m so sorry,” I’m done.
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Second, and more importantly, like all good guys get hurt videos, I can only laugh because Danny is okay!
Get well soon old man.