For a few weeks, we knew that this moment would come: the definitive end of Stadia. The game proposal on Google’s ship did not go as planned by the company and although in practice everything sounds very good, the reality has once again exceeded the dream. And it also influences the great work that Microsoft has done and is doing with its own system, xCloud, as well as other competitors such as Amazon Luna.
And that short journey ends today, when Google will permanently and permanently shut down Stadia servers.
Stadia ends its story
While echoes of how the tech giant could leverage this investment and technology still echo, Ubisoft continues to work on how to transfer the games available on the service. Así se llega a final anticipated por algunos y que nos dejó noticias curiosas como la cancellation del siguiente juego de Kojima en exclusiva para el servicio, o que la noticia del cierre pilló por sorpresa a todo el mundo,incluso los propios desarrolladores que trabajaban en the project.
One more example of industry voracity waiting for no one and how good ideas with little support or reception can end up failing. We have dozens of examples, but no doubt we will all remember Stadia’s brief journey and Google’s foray into a sector, that of video games, which balks at the arrival of new giants. It remains to be seen how this works in Amazon’s case, but the key is, as always, that it has to be about gaming, not just technology. Something that Google may have been missing despite hiring prominent people in the industry like Amy Hening, creator of Uncharted and the upcoming Captain America and Black Panther game, and creating their own studios. A step that lasted a short time, since in 2021 all development teams closed to focus solely on third-party content. Without a doubt, an unfortunate decision.
Thus, one of the rivals of streaming and cloud gaming, the one who could be said to have launched it or paved the way, says goodbye. One of those news that they do not like to give, especially to those of us who are lovers of new technologies and who like to enjoy video games above all and who always welcome any new proposal with open arms.