While live service racer The Crew 2 rarely makes the top lists, it seems to have a loyal fan base. There could be good news for them soon.
But today the rumor mill is churning. First reports about two potential new Far Cry games, now it’s about another Ubisoft title. A dataminer claims to have found out that a successor to The Crew 2 is to be announced shortly.
There is also said to be a title for The Crew 3, the dataminer found references to in-game objects entitled The Crew: Motorfest. Apparently there were posters, license plates and the like with the name, but also the logo of the game.
There have been rumors about a possible successor for some time, but that sounds very concrete, especially since the sources say an announcement could be made as early as next week.
Allegedly, the title was previously planned as a DLC for The Crew 2, but became a full-fledged game under the project name Project Orlando. The Hawaiian island of Oahu is under discussion as the location, and a new engine is also mentioned as the technical basis.
If there is anything to it, we may find out specifically and officially in a few days. The Crew 2 is now almost five years old and is now entering its seventh season.