We know that it is a strange way to open the news, but as you know, the crisis caused by the coronavirus It has hit several countries as it could be Japan, which has caused the closure of schools throughout the country and, consequently, restless children at home
This problem was faced by a user called Toyo Teramoto, whose 3-year-old son was bored for being so long at home due to precautionary measures against the virus. For that reason, Teramoto came up with an unexpected idea: What if he used Ring Fit Adventure to entertain his son?
The answer to this question comes in the form of video that we bring you nextn, which has gone viral in Japan because of the child's mastery with the popular title of fitness despite his young age. In addition to this, Teramoto has recommended other parents try to use the game
子 供 連 れ て 行 く と こ ろ も 軒 並 み 閉鎖 さ れ て, ど う や っ て 遊 ば せ る か 悩 ま し い 所 で す が, リ ン グ フ ィ ッ ト ア ド ベ ン チ ャ ー は 3 歳 児 で も 遊 べ る の で オ ス ス メ で す. 運動 し た ら 割 と 満 足 し て 昼 寝 し て ま す w pic.twitter.com/VMb1zyTg8A
– Toyo Teramoto (@teramoto_toyo) February 28, 2020
What do you think? Have you already tried Ring Fit Adventure? Do not hesitate to leave it in the comments!