Playing Dead Space in first person is possible thanks to this mod


Playing Dead Space in first person is possible thanks to this mod

Dead, Mod, person, playing, Space

Playing Dead Space in first person is possible thanks to this mod

Dead Space is back in fashion. After the success of Dead Space Remake, EA plans to apply the same formula with its second and third installments. However, a good part of the community does not take their eyes off the origin of everything and continues to be interested in the original titles, in search of the formula to improve them.

And content creator Reverse Engineering Gamer has released their latest mod for the franchise’s original game, turning it into an FPS.

Survive Dead Space now in first person

As shown, he transformed the original Dead Space, released in 2008, in a first person shooter. The developer commented that this work took him just over five days to adapt the basic gameplay functions, but he had to work several months on other aspects to develop it.

I had to work several months to develop it, from identifying logical functions to game variables, including script errors, game tests and pointer changes.

Like he said NexusMods, I figured I could turn the game into subjective horror just by changing the camera settings. But he quickly realized that this was not the case and found that he had to devote himself to the many aspects involved, such as certain modifications to the game’s functions for the management of shots in the exploration phase, the parameters interaction with objects and much more. .

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