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In less than a week, Apple released two rapid security response updates. for iOS 16.4 and macOS 13.3 both in beta stage. The first was launched on March 1 and now today it has launched the second. These are quick updates that fix some errors without the need to install the full version, so developers can continue working on developing and running their programs within the released beta. by the company.

On March 1, Apple released the first of the rapid updates to the iOS 16.4 beta environment. This means that you can install Apple-created patches as beta versions are tested by developers. On iOS and macOS 13.3, these updates enable fix bugs without having to install the full version and that means developers can work almost without wasting time.

These Rapid Security Response Updates are designed to provide beta users of iOS 16.4 and macOS 13.3 are available through the standard software update mechanism in the Settings app, but this is an update. fast day, which only takes a few minutes to download the update, then a quick reboot for the installation process.

Once the update is installed “Rapid Security Response”, iOS 16.4 and macOS 13.3 users will see an updated version, and tapping the version in the About section of Settings will display information about the installed iOS version and Rapid Security Response update . For the record, updates of this type can be easily disabled.

Take advantage of, if you are a developer and you test these betas, to install these easy to install bug fix updates.