a Xiaomi with a solid-state battery that lasts longer with more capacity


a Xiaomi with a solid-state battery that lasts longer with more capacity

batteries, Battery, capacity, lasts, longer, News and novelties, solidstate, Xiaomi

We are on the threshold of not one, but several important moments for one of the most important parts of a mobile: the battery. We recently talked about the new Honor Magic5 Ultimate Edition, which is launching a carbon battery, but that’s just the start.

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After years of barely seeing incremental improvements, where battery capacity has barely changed, the industry is finally gearing up for a major battery leap forward.

The mobile with solid-state battery

Perhaps to make Honor’s announcement shine, Xiaomi showed off a mobile prototype with a solid-state battery. As their name suggests, these batteries do not use liquid components, neither electrodes nor electrolytes, which brings several advantages; for example, they are less fragile and their puncture does not have such disastrous consequences as with current batteries.

Xiaomi solid state battery

Xiaomi solid state battery


A solid-state battery also has the potential to be denser, which means you get more capacity in the same space. For all these reasons, solid-state batteries are considered the “holy grail” sought by the automotive industry to popularize electric cars. However, not only car manufacturers are experimenting with this technology, and mobile phones can also take advantage of its benefits.

The prototype presented by Xiaomi is based on its latest model, the Xiaomi 13, for this reason: to demonstrate these advantages. Although the mobile has not been modified beyond the change of the battery and the rest of the necessary hardware, it obtains a much higher capacity, no less than 6000 mAh; a big leap from the 4500 mAh that the conventional Xiaomi 13 has.

Solid-state batteries are safer

Las baterías de estado sólido son más seguras

Xiaomi / Weibo

Eso supone una densidad de 1000 Wh/L, una barrera psicológica que por fin se ha roto, y supone un aumento de la densidad del 33% respecto a baterías de litio. Mantiene las ventajas de las baterías de estado sólido, y este móvil no se incendiará incluso si recibe un golpe o es perforado (por ejemplo, en un accidente). Otra ventaja que no es tan relevante para el usuario medio, pero que también es interesante, es que esta batería ofrece una potencia un 20% superior en temperaturas extremas de 20 grados bajo cero.

Aún faltan muchos años para que veamos un móvil comercial con una batería como esta, pero es una buena noticia que su desarrollo ya esté así de avanzado.

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