The next big revolution that is already underway in the world of technology is that of artificial intelligence, as these have a large number of uses that ordinary users can also take advantage of, for example to answer our questions, which Perplexity does.
[Google Bard: la Inteligencia Artificial que promete dejar atrás a ChatGPT es oficial]
We have already shown you other AIs with different functions, like Midjourney, which can convert a text you write into an image, but in this case we are dealing with an assistive AI.
It works completely free and you won’t even need to register to use it, just go to its main page and write in its text box to answer all your questions.
Solve all your doubts with Perplexity
If you want to use artificial intelligence for free and without registration, Perplexity is the solution you were looking for, because it works as easy as Google. Just hover over the text box and write a question that the AI will answer.
In addition, he has the positive point that he will not only offer you an answer to your question, but he will also tell you the sources from which he obtained the information so that you can consult them independently.
Que la IA muestre de dónde ha sacado la información que te muestra es una buena característica, ya que te permite ver si se ha basado en fuentes confiables o no.
Además, puedes pulsar un botón para que las muestre en formato de lista y veas el párrafo concreto de cada una de las webs en las que se ha basado.
Bajo las fuentes, encontrarás otras preguntas complementarias que pueden interesarte y que la plataforma te sugerirá en función de lo que hayas puesto en el cuadro de búsqueda. Cuando pulses sobre estas, será como si le hicieras tú mismo la pregunta a la IA.
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