How to See Hidden Files on Mac


How to See Hidden Files on Mac

files, hidden, Mac

Did you know that there are thousands of hidden files on your Mac that are not visible to the naked eye? For privacy and security reasons, many folders and files on your Mac are hidden. But, if you know how your equipment works, these folders and files can be displayed.

You will be able to distinguish hidden files because the text will be seen in a gray color, a bit lighter than normal. And the same goes for the folders: they will appear in a lighter, washed-out blue. Here we will tell you how to see hidden files on any Mac in different ways. This option is great for gaining extra space by deleting temporary files, caches, etc. However, before continuing this step by step, you must remember that if you delete or modify system files, you can cause boot failures. We recommend caution and maximum care.

The reason why there are hidden folders and files on your Mac

Before using the command

Show before using the command.

On all operating systems, the displayed files coexist with others that are encrypted, write-protected or directly hidden. Some folders are displayed with a lock because they are among the non-modifiable files that the developer protects.

By simply pressing these three keys, you will discover gigabytes of garbage hidden in the Mac

This is a measure that has existed since the first version of macOS and the objective is always the same: prevent us from accidentally deleting any files that are crucial to system operation. That being said, showing hidden files is a very useful tool for organizing and cleaning up your Mac.

Show Hidden Files in Mac Finder with Keyboard Shortcuts

Display after using the command

Display after using the command.

To tell the truth, showing hidden files from Finder is very simple. So long that it only takes a second:

It’s as simple as pressing command (⌘) + shift (⇧) + period (.)

  1. Open any Finder window, from the Macintosh HD or any other folder where you want to see hidden files and folders.
  2. Simultaneously type the Command, Shift and period keys, i.e. [cmd] + [shift] + [.]
  3. When you have activated this command, you will see that hidden folders and files will be seen with a slightly brighter or transparent tone.
  4. To hide the files again, you just need to repeat the same key combination.

Show hidden Library folder in Finder


However, sometimes what you need is to be able to see all hidden folders and keep it as default. This is something you can do from ‘Terminal’, by typing a simple command.

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The steps to follow are:

  1. Go to the Utilities folder and search for ‘Terminal‘ or look for the terminal icon in the Launchpad (shaped like a black screen)
  2. Once it opens, type the command “defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE“, without quotes, by copying the text as is, with the same spaces.
  3. Press the key Introduction and you will have executed the command. Now all you have to do is restart the folder view. You can use it by forcing a restart using the key Otherby right-clicking on the Finder icon and choosing the option ‘force restart‘.
  4. Finder will automatically restart in a few seconds and already show hidden files and folders.

There are other ways to show hidden folders and files, through file managers and professional apps like CleanMyMac or Onyx. These applications have a specific function to show hidden objects, but we do not recommend that you install them exclusively to perform such a simple task as hiding or showing folders, unless you are doing it to consciously hide some specific files or directories.

How to Hide Files on Mac Again

Finally, if you want to go back to the beginning and make all hidden folders disappear again, open “Terminal” again and follow these steps:

  1. type the command defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
  2. Once written, press the ‘Enter’ or ‘Enter’ key
  3. Now run’KillAll Finder‘ to restart the Finder. You can do this in different ways, for example by using the command Alt + Command + Esc (the key at the top left). Once you see the apps and processes window open, choose “Force Quit” and confirm to close. Lo and behold, all files that were originally hidden will be hidden again.

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