Kamatukis Shrine is inside The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the KingdomThe Deep Akkala region of Hyrule.
Our guide will help you find it Kamatukis Shrine location and solve it “A Precise Strike” Puzzle to collect the chest and light of blessing. It’s a good shrine to visit while you’re there mountain of death area just northeast of the summit. If you look at the map, you should notice the skull marking Skull Lake – the shrine is directly east of it.
When you’re done, you can refer to other things to do on our shrine locations page or on the Hyrule Interactive Map.
Location of the Kamatukis Shrine
The Kamatukis Shrine is found in the Deep Akkala Area of Hyrule, northeast of mountain of death. After I was done, I flew out to explore the area fire temple; It’s pretty convenient from there. Watch out for those skull markings for Skull Lake on your Tears of the Kingdom Map and aim there – the shrine is in the lower, east corner of the skull. The exact coordinates are (3431, 3355, 0071).
Kamatuki’s Shrine Puzzle Solution
The “A Precise Strike” jigsaw puzzles for the Kamatukis Shrine requires you to hit a ball to hit a target – the catch is that the ball has to fly over a large gap. You probably won’t get it on the first try, but that’s okay: with a little help, we’ll help you get into the right position.
1. Go straight and you will see a block, a Zonai switch, a long handle hanging from the ceiling and an orb. First attach the block to the handle Ultrahand.
2. Pull back the block with UltrahandThen you release him so that he hits the ball and throws it across the gap to the goal. This is the tricky part; If the aim is wrong, the ball will not reach the target. This is the goal that worked for us:
3. If you miss it, don’t worry. Press the bright yellow Zonai Switch to reset the ball. When you get it, the target will turn green and the gate will open.
4. Once you reach the destination, go left. There’s another room with another block, a hanging handle, an orb, and a Zonai switch. Attach the block to the handle.
5. The target in this room is moving, so you need to carefully plan the release of the blockade. Pull back the block with Ultrahand and let it go Only before the target is in line with the ball. The target will turn green when you hit it, then open a gate to the left of the handle. (If you miss, you can reset the ball with the Zonai switch.)
6. Go there to get this Breast with a powerful Zonaite longsword.
7. Go back into the next chamber and to the exit. Examine the seal to complete the shrine and grab this light of blessing.