We continue to receive interesting news regarding The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This time they focus on Rupinejas.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Specifically, it seems that in this game they have an additional function besides giving us rupees when we shoot them with an arrow. As we have learned, in this sequel the rupinejos that we find on the ground do not disappear after a while, but follow a very specific path in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
If we follow them in their flight, we can see that they lead us to a nearby cave. You already know that these caves usually contain mineral deposits, as well as a ghost inside each one. These ghosts allow us to obtain ghost emblems and their respective rewards.
This way Rupinejos become a great way to find Ghost Caves and Emblems. Don’t forget that another way is to guide us through the pink / cherry / sakura trees, whose mechanics and map locations we have already shared on the web.
In this image you can see how it leads the player into a cave in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom:
What is your opinion? Feel free to leave it in the comments. Don’t forget that Tears of the Kingdom is now available: you have our analysis of the game here and our complete guide here.