Apple releases rapid new security update: iOS 16.5.1(a) and iPadOS 16.5.1(a)

iOS 16.5 fixes security vulnerabilities

Security flaws in operating systems are one of the most important assets that hackers use to gain access to our devices. That’s why developers and activists around the world are reporting the various security flaws to big tech companies, even Apple, with significant financial rewards in many cases. Apple released iOS 16.5.1(a) and iPadOS 16.5.1(a) as rapid security updates

a few minutes ago for fixed a security bug related to WebKit. Update now!

Update your iPhone or iPad to iOS 16.5.1(a) and iPadOS 16.5.1(a) now

The ace rapid security updates are a special type of Apple software updates that allow you to overwrite some of the iOS and iPadOS code like security patch. These updates are special because they do not require as much time as a big update and although it is recommended the user can wait for the next big update to fix the problem, although early installation is recommended.

This update is special for several reasons. Among them is a staggered installation system where only 5% of users will be able to install iOS 16.5.1(a) and iPadOS 16.5.1(a) within the first 6 hours. Six hours later, or 12 hours after deployment, 40% will be able to access the release, 70% after 24 hours, and finally, a few days after the official launch, 100% of users will be able to install the security patch.

The new version fixes a bug in WebKit available on iOS 16.5.1 and iPadOs 16.5.1, a bug that was reported by an anonymous researcher. The error object allowed execution of arbitrary code in web content. Actually, Apple is awaiting a detailed report on the significance of this bug and whether it could have been actively exploited.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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