There is nothing left for us to enjoy Doom permanently on the Xbox One even though others have already played it. Friends of Playstation access You've shared a new 15-minute video where we can see how everything magnificent goes on DoOM Eternal. We warn you that it may contain a bit of storage, so if you want to get a full "girlfriend" at launch we recommend that you don't give it a go.
If yours is dangerous and you're looking forward to seeing it now, don't hesitate to hit the game and show how Doom Forever goes wonderfully. Everything seems well thought out and every step we take makes us think we are ahead of the best game of the series.
15 minutes of permanent DOOM Gameplay
We reviewed them a few weeks ago and recommend you read our final game ideas in the following link.
Doom Eternal will be available on the Xbox One on March 20. Are we ready to go back to hell?