Apple is updating its recommendations to do so


Apple is updating its recommendations to do so

Apple, recommendations, updating

With the presence of a coronavirus on the front page of the daily newsletter, recommendations for maintaining good hygiene are a daily matter. We have to wash a little bit, scrub our hands and avoid the actions of everyone who touches their hands like a public rail (and no, putting on a mask is not necessary if you're healthy). And of course, we have a problem: Our devices can be virus-transmitted.

With this in mind, Apple has updated its official support documentation rests your recommendations on cleaning your devices with disinfectants. Whereas before I only recommend cleaning your product screens with a damp cloth that hasn't left a residue, now things are changing.

70% alcohol, and it is always in the outdoors

IPhone SE

The company has put a special announcement on its website, where it tells us we can use it cleaning cloths containing 70% alcohol isopropyl. It also specifically recommends Clorox American disinfectant fabrics, but they are often used in a patient-free environment "such as screen, keyboard and other external objects"I will not use anything for cloth or other accessories.

Something to avoid, a warning follows, the use of acetone or bleach. And it is It should not under any circumstances under which it can soak the app in sol or cleaner I still put them in the water. They are things that can eventually destroy the terminal. In addition, from AppleInsider they added another saying that it should not be used to regularly clean the iPhone and iPad with Apple's now-recommended textiles, because they later end up removing the oleophobic layer of the screen and causing irreversible damage. It is good that we use those fabrics and alcohol in case some unhealthy people cheat our machine.

The notification is currently displayed on the United States website, while the Spanish version of the support document continues as usual. Apple could update it in the next few hours or days.

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