Dead or School is a game full of obvious jank: it's probably the product of a small team of the three most active, refunds a budget to get an idea – perhaps too much – of prominence. It is unquestionably prepared, especially in hand-held mode, where it blends in a bit. Its 2D sprits are clearly visible on paper when the camera shifts to a smaller angle. Their previously given cutscenes look worse than the back of polygonal backdrops, which just look like they've been molded. And its great (seemingly lovely) interface sometimes combines action.
Yet somehow, there is a real magic that works here; The main complaint of the game is that all of these issues simply stop worrying after a few minutes because you will have the best time to comment. What we have here is an amazing 2D sidebar that needs more attention than it will get. It is a wonderful concept, with a basic nature that is so clearly associated with such love, it is very hard to be angry about anything that can do better.
Dead or School is the most widely used story, developed as a separate story for the director and artist Mokusei Zaijuu self-published sci-fi manga The Doll Nanami-chan machine. For more than seven decades, a war has erupted between humans and genetic mutations – a conflict that has wreaked havoc on the earth and left genetics to wander unchecked. Humans, for the most part, have accepted their assignment so far – at least in part because no one seems to remember the details of the war or where the changing creatures came from – but the third generation are underground people are restless.
Protagonist Hisako is one of these third-generation villains and is fascinated by the above-forbidden world. You learn that there were once places called "schools" over there, and that young people could meet, study and play there. Fueled by this unwavering hope, Hisako wishes to do his best to return to the top and build a school where he and his friends can live happily. Her grandmother, aware of the fire in His eyes that she has never seen in anyone else for so long, gives her child her school uniform, and encourages her to gather her colleagues, equip herself and do her best to fulfill her dream. Because humanity is being defeated at the moment?
The background may at first seem funny, but it is actually an inspiration for a thrilling, deeply honest story that uses its living, naïve character to convey a message of hope in a bleak world. Also, as Lakoako begins to uncover the truth behind the war – along with the true motives of several underground groups – things create a surprising climax with some puzzled churchgoers.
The story is one that gives the motive for progress in Dead or School, but it is a gang where it shines brightly. What we have here is a large 2D animated planet with tight controls, heavy combat, multiple looting, and very different challenges of skill, ingenuity and cunning.
Zakhe is armed with three weapons: a melee launch, a rifle and an explosive. In each of these sections there are several differences that are related to each other. In the melee phase, for example, a fence sword attacks with a quick attack to interrupt an enemy's life, while a war hammer unleashes a devastating blow to one missile at a time.
No other “good” weapon is loaded; you are free to make decisions based on your favorite playstyle and the material you have received. Weapons can also be modified in various ways to improve their stats or to add other skills to them. There is a lot of customization on offer here – or as is often the case with games of this genre being a bit jealous of the beloved old RNGesus.
Enemy types are drawn throughout the campaign, so you always see new enemies every time you enter a new area. And variations in enemy types and attack patterns – not to mention senior commanders – mean that all three levels of weapons are useful, so you can be better with all of them.
There is also an excellent dodge-roll mechanic, which offers both unseen layers of bad attacks as well Bayonetta-style “fast time” mechanic if you get out of the way out the right moment. Watch your power bar, though; this is not a game where you can just scratch the clues of attack and take down and hope to move on.
A corpse or School is made up mostly of "cohesion". As you make your way from one end to the next, you will enter situations where you will have to clear several waves of enemies before continuing. These are pre-defined waves, so if you find yourself experiencing difficulties, you can read them and prepare accordingly before trying again. Until you get to the next point of storage, you'll need to clear this connection each time you pass; once done, however, the encounter becomes optional and can be transferred if you wish.
Continuing through the game is, in this way, actually rather a queue than an open-source map – though there are many branches in the path that allow you to find optional "souvenirs" and save captured refugees. These are undeniably hidden by the challenge contained in the specifics, and many of these parts provide some of the most intriguing pieces of the game.
Under Tokyo's "electric city," you will, for example, find yourself shooting down lights to darken the path; Elsewhere you will be chased by a collapsed building by progressive activists, invited to play an arcade machine that has somehow survived the war or even given the opportunity to perform solo guitar with a friendly mutant.
In the meantime, the best way about the game is through various locations, providing Hisako's journey with a great sense of scale and context. In this one section, you will be passing through the claustrophobic tunnel of smugglers; in another, you will be fighting in the high streets as chaos ensues. There is always something new and exciting to see as you progress, and this is like a story that keeps you constantly moving through Lacako's fantastic adventure in the hope that one day, finally get to school.
For some, a professional jank is enough to stop them from fully engaging with File or School. That would be a real shame, though; lets collect a narrative, a mechanic, a bunch of crap, well-crafted sections and amazing game style, and there's something really special to enjoy here; a hidden gem of righteousness that is hidden once you have it.