MGM TV asks for a break
The Hulu series "The Maid's Tale" must take a break. Stop filming of season 4 to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Find out what it means for us to release new episodes.
Season 4 of "The Maid's Tale" also pulled out the emergency brakes. Like many other films and series, the film was forced to stop production. The reason is the rapidly spreading coronavirus. By pausing the shooting, you can prevent infection by employees and actors. Starring Elizabeth Moss should be the director of the new season of the Hulu series.
No official start date yet. So far, it is estimated that the fourth quarter will appear on US streaming services in the fall of 2020. But with the infinite extension of shooting time, publication can also be postponed. In this country, new episodes of the series first appeared on MagentaTV, but with some delay. As a result, German audiences may not even notice the interruption in filming.
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