Do you know how much a month of Palworld servers costs?  Hallucinate


Do you know how much a month of Palworld servers costs? Hallucinate

costs, Hallucinate, month, Palworld, servers

Pocket pairis able to accommodate nearly 20 million players in its vast gaming universe, Palworld. The CEO, Takuro Mizobeshared make the monthly cost public servers, revealing a staggering figure that exceeds 70 million yen.

Mizobe used its social networks to detail the expenses linked to the rental of Palworld servers, reaching a sum of 478 thousand dollars or 440 thousand dollars per month. This investment undoubtedly represents a significant financial burden for the company.

Microsoft is already working on adding dedicated Xbox servers for Palworld

Pocketpair is under pressure to keep the servers up and running at all costs, as Palworld has attracted the attention of the gaming community with an impressive player base of 20 million, including both direct buyers and Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

Microsoft is already working with Pocketpair to offer dedicated servers in the game and you can already see the costs involved in maintaining servers in a successful game. Additionally, for them it is also mandatory that the service is always operational, so any downtime can have negative consequences, so there is much more behind a successful game like the Palworld phenomenon.

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