The Korean Games Administration and Qualification Committee ha clasificado “Shin Megami Tensei V: Vegneance”, describing it as a complete edition of Shin Megami Tensei V with improvements and additional content. The complete edition suggests it could include expansions, gameplay adjustments, and possibly new narrative elements.
The classification of a “complete edition” with improvements and additional content It is usually well received by players, as it offers an opportunity for those who have not experienced the original game to enjoy a more complete and enriched version. This could also entice those who have already played Shin Tensei V to explore new additions and improvements.
However, until specific details about the additional content are revealed, it is difficult to evaluate completely the value of this complete edition. However, we remember that we have already received similar rumors in the past. While we wait for more details, feel free to ask the 110 best Nintendo Switch games (2024).