A new API on the Android Developer Blog promises to fix an annoying problem with the Google Maps app that is based on incorrect estimation of device orientation.
Basically, the orientation of your device is used in navigation apps to determine the appropriate orientation in relation to the surroundings.
With the help of this data, Google Maps can always indicate the correct direction in which you should move in a foreign city – at least theoretically. The new API is now intended to help with practical problems.
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the essentials in brief
- New API in the Android Developer Blog aims to fix problems with Google Maps
- Previous device orientation in navigation apps was unreliable, especially in urban environments
- Fused Orientation Provider (FOP) as a solution: Works with accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer for more precise orientation
- API compensates for inferior sensors and OEM implementations
Google addresses complaints
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This becomes a problem particularly in dense and urban environments, as GPS and compass cannot always operate reliably here.
In view of this, with the »Fused Orientation Provider« (FOP) developed a new API that provides a »more consistent and powerful behavior across all devices« should offer.
Functionally, this API works with the signals from the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer and »compensates for inferior sensors and OEM implementations
This should create the desired precision when determining the device alignment, which in turn improved navigation display enabled.
In addition to Google Maps, several other applications are likely to benefit from the new orientation API. In the developer blog, gesture recognition or VR applications are mentioned here.
However, it may still take a few days for a noticeable improvement to occur before the developers bring the respective apps up to date. After all, »due to the nature of the Play Services” one quick implementation the new API will be possible.