People are retrieving scenes from The Llightouse in Animal Crossing

Geralt of Sanctuary

People are retrieving scenes from The Llightouse in Animal Crossing

Animal, Crossing, Llightouse, people, retrieving, Scenes

Camera mode available on your NookPhone Crossing the Animals: New Horizons it makes it easier to pull memories. Some – including, admittedly, myself – have used it, and Gulliver's early arrival, as a way of honoring fame with Robert's terrifying black and white film Lighting.

The film, which focuses on the keepers of a two-light house tied to their remote location with a strong storm and their emergence in humiliation, is as far away as possible from the tone of Animal Crossing, but the power of the mode camera shifts to black and white too far.

One of the key moments, when Willem Dafoe's character warns Robert Pattinson that "it is a great privilege to kill the seabird" has become a favorite of the player, as in the early days of the game he finds the sea actor Gulliver washing the players. beaches. Although talking to her enough will eventually wake her up, it's harder than that photo opportunity.

Other players have taken things further, using the black and white camera mode (and inviting other players) to try and recreate some scenes.

For the most obscure note, the repetition of scenes unfolds Pictures of Lady on Fire take it again, which begs the question: What's the next movie?

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