These days should have been hosted by the Gaming Developers Conference (GDC), which is right when Google has made significant progress in building video games on Android. Due to a coronavirus, the conference was canceled, but that didn't stop Google from revealing its news through the event's broadcast via YouTube.
At its launch, the Google team introduced new tools to make video game makers easier. These tools do not apply directly to us, but they are very important to us, because we will be able to enjoy high-quality games thanks to these new features.
How will Google help improve video game development on Android
As the foremost leader in the creation of Android, Google is responsible for providing the best tools so video game creators can create the best articles with the smallest potential. In this last hour they have introduced a series of tools designed to do the work as much as possible.
It's all about features in development, but if you're a video game developer you can already check them out by making an application for each of them at the following link. But what are these features for?
- Indicator danger sign: This tool makes it easy to detect rigidity in games, errors that can affect game performance or simply give up.
- Android Game Development Ectension: A very important tool for many games that have been developed in C / C ++ languages. This Visual Studio-based extension makes it easy to bring this kind of development to Android.
- Android GPU Checker: Performance monitoring that supports multiple graphics processors from various manufacturers. Perfect for image processing.
- Tunction Performance for Android: Another great tool to help work with potential advice.
- Google Play Automatic Integrity Protection: Use Google Play security to solve problems such as modding or hacking.
- Loops Games and Firebase Games Testing SDK: One of the saddest parts of making a video game is the testing and debugging phase. This tool allows you to create loops to perform these tests easily.
- In a review of the Unity and Native app: Have you ever seen a game update for anything other than Google Play? Yes, from now on it's going to be too often, because Google has enabled the API for any builder to do.
- Gaming Services – Friends: is a new social tools program with the Google Play Games engine.
- Sync format directory Thanks to this feature, the game will be able to select the best image quality for each device depending on its strength.
All presentations are available for streaming
If you're a developer or just want to know how the world of video game development works internally, we recommend looking at Google's broadcast, the hour speaks in depth about all these improvements that video game developers will have on Android. If you also want to go deeper, you can go to Google's official GDC website.