Video games: what type of player do you consider yourself to be?


Video games: what type of player do you consider yourself to be?

Games, player, type, Video

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This entry is written with a lot of love and love for this wonderful hobby. Keep in mind that this is an expensive type of entertainment and is not accessible to everyone, so it is understandable that there are different types of players.

It is interesting to consider that, despite the passion and taste for video games, we can have some clarity about the players and their ranking. But what is the point of ranking players? Obviously there are two possible answers to this question and we will see them later.

A question that leads us to more

What is a video game?

Many of us know about video games, but there are people in our environment who don’t know what they are. Video games are a form of expression and entertainment that presents us with a challenge that we must overcome or learn from. All this is seasoned with a series of codes, commands, functions and other languages ​​and techniques, which are recreated using a computer.

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