Considering how much Turn out the franchise has evolved over the years, the original game still holds up pretty damn well and is worth checking out. You can play it Steam now under ten if you will, but one fan went one step further and ported the game to the 3DS.
As he observed The Gamermod has created MrHuh with details published at GBATemp. You’ll need to own a legal copy of the original game in order to move the relevant files to the 3DS (which, of course, needs to be modded), but overall, it sounds like a relatively painless way to play the game on something that isn’t a Steam Deck.
You can use the 3DS stylus instead of a mouse to interact with the game, although it’s also stated that you’ll need to press the ‘L’ key to toggle between left and right click. It sounds a bit awkward, but we imagine it won’t take too long to get used to.
By the way, yes, this is Fallout, on the 3DS. Neat! The only official Fallout release on Switch, meanwhile, is Fallout Shelter which, don’t get us wrong, is perfectly fun on its own, but it would be great to get a port for Fallout 3. In fact, we talked about it at length recently – go read it.