Is it worth using a one-handed keyboard for gaming?

The Boss


Is it worth using a one-handed keyboard for gaming?

gaming, keyboard, Onehanded, Worth

Among everything that we can find related to video games, there are peripherals created specifically to offer superior performance in various cases, either because they offer different functionalities than normal ones or because they offer ergonomic advantages or software. And there is a type of device designed for this case which is quite curious, the keyboard of nail thousandwhich allows us to save space at the expense of its basic functions.

At the time of electing a device we only have to keep the user in charge, and there are cases in which we need to have one that we offer a reduced rate but there are some of the functions needed to be able to play with any title without it. No problem. In the case of keyboards of nail thousand We can see that they have specifications that make it a completely new device, knowing that it is obviously not capable of acting as a keyboard.

Razer one-handed keyboard

What is this device?

First of all, as we indicated, although we call it keyboard of nail thousand, it would not really be a keyboard since as such it is not capable of offering its basic functions, since the keys that this type of device incorporates are programmable, but they are not enough to include all the letters of the alphabet. That said, we can consider this type of device as a command created from the keys of a keyboard, offering a much more complex configuration than what we can find either in a joystick like on a traditional keyboard.

Originally, this type of peripheral was not created with the aim of using it for gaming, but rather to divide a normal keyboard into two parts in order to have a much more comfortable and ergonomic position in the arms, but thanks to its design, many brands that manufacture devices game They chose to release their own version. Razer, for example, is one of the brands that has its own keyboard of a thousandwhich offers a large number of programmable keys, but also has quite high ergonomics and integrates both a mouse wheel and a joystick/D-Pad, making it an “all in one”.

Keyboard programmable keys

Is it worth using one?

Once we know what it is, we can obviously start to think about the pros and cons of using it, which will allow us to determine whether or not it’s worth using it. First of all, if we are people who game a lot and mainly use a series of keys and we need more, which are also programmable for the use of macros or any other function, they are a perfect alternative , because in addition to taking up less space and being much more comfortable also gives us a unique functionality to play, so we can consider it as a “controller” created for people accustomed to using keyboard Yes mouse.

And the negative aspects that any of these peripherals can have are quite limited, since in the end it is a device created for single use, which it fulfills perfectly, offering a much superior gaming experience. But certainly, among the negative characteristics there is obviously the fact that if we want to write something we will have to use another type of keyboard (or program the keys and macros to write), which will make it more uncomfortable for any other use.

In short, it is something that is worth it, although in many cases the prices that we can find for this type of device are quite high, this is where the economic situation of each person comes into play As an example we can take the one created by Razer that we mentioned above, a peripheral that we can usually find with a price above 100 $.

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