How Throne and Liberty becomes a console MMORPG for everyone


How Throne and Liberty becomes a console MMORPG for everyone

Console, Liberty, MMORPG, throne

These unique morph abilities are based on the lore of Throne and Freedomset in the fantasy world of Solisium, a land where fragments of the Seal Stone that contained the goddess of destruction, Sylaveth, are scattered throughout the world. These fragments have caused much conflict not only because of their value, but also because of their ability to develop powers in those who collect them. This is where you and your friends come in: you must secure these unique resources, go on a grand adventure through the land of Solisium, fight unique monsters, and take on other rival players in this massive, free-to-play online world.

As I mentioned before, trying to translate this massive experience to a controller is a monumental task. I stumbled a bit at first trying to understand the wealth of options available to me. But as my session went on, I found it fluid and natural. And while I only played for just under an hour, I’d imagine that with more time, I’d get used to this configuration. This is one area that NCSoft remains committed to, replicating the keyboard and mouse experience typical of a controller-friendly game.

“We’ve made several changes to the way the controller handles – button mapping, aiming and movement are the three main elements that we’ve been working on continuously for the past 12 months to really get exactly what’s needed for this type of combat,” explains Lafuente. “We’re very proud of the progress we’ve made and our recent testing has shown that players say the gameplay feels natural. I even wondered if I should switch over and play Throne and Freedom from now on from the couch using a controller.”

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