One of the functions used by this Telegram program is to be able to send an organized message from our iPhone, that is, we can write what we want and send it on the date and time we want. All of this is done in a simple way and most of you may already be using this Telegram option, but many others who have just applied for text messages or who have been using it for a few days may not be aware of it. Today we'll see how they can be send edited messages in the Telegraph system.
The first thing that makes sense is that the Telegram app is installed on our iPhone, iPad, Mac or something else. Now the only thing we need to do is to open the chat site directly so that we can process our message. When in the text box we have to hold down the send button and wait for the message to appear: "Send without sound" and "Edit message".
We now have to select "Edit message" and can change exactly the time and date we want that message to be sent. Logically we will be able to continue sending messages to the conversation, accepting and performing other activities without any problem. A message will be sent when the time and date set by the user arrives and we should not do anything else. This work is what works for you a Mac appIn this case we should follow the same steps but with the mouse or trackpad by clicking on the send arrow.
For many of us The Telegraph is about more than any other activity messaging and now some schools are starting to use it to communicate with their staff who can't go to class because of Covid-19, the reason is that it allows writing from right to left in many languages, which is exciting for students and parents of those students who don't speak our language. This is one of the many benefits Telegraph has compared to other similar applications.
Text Call
Telegraph FZ-LLC